
Welcome to the official online Masonic Museum site of the Grand Lodge of Canada in the Province of Ontario.

1885 JewelFreemasonry played a significant but little known role in the development of Canada from a colony to a nation. In fact, the Craft was one of the first institutions brought into Ontario by the early pioneer settlers and military garrisons.

Artifacts reflecting the growth of over 200 years of our Masonic heritage are preserved in museums, private collections, and at Grand Lodge. These irreplaceable treasures include such varied items as regalia, furnishings, medals, jewels, original photographs, souvenirs, and objects ornamented with Masonic emblems. They are a direct link with our past, and as such speak to us over the years. It is most important that they are preserved for future generations.

The Brethren are invited to visit our online Masonic Museum and its selection of Masonic artifacts.

If you have any questions regarding Museum & Archive matters, you may contact Daniel Glenney at


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